Project «Ukrainian refugees with HIV living in Poland engaged in HIV policy and practice»
Recruitment of participants - project volunteers
25 people - Ukrainian PLHIV, including KP representatives, living in different regions of Poland.
Recruitment stages:
- Interview
- Group meeting to get acquainted and review project goals and objectives
- Creation of a working group chat of project participants
Cooperation with the main Polish partners of the project: "Stowarzyszenie Jeden Świat" and "Kampania Przecw Homofobii".
Training Program
Aimed at raising awareness of the project participants - volunteers about the specifics of social and medical assistance to PLHIV in Poland. It included 9 trainings (online and offline):
- "Mental Health and HIV"
- "Increasing knowledge and skills in the field of HIV treatment among peer counselors".
- "Introduction to the activities of non-governmental organizations in Poland"
- "Stigma and Discrimination Based on HIV, Migration Status, Intersectionality"
- "Increasing knowledge and skills in the field of HIV treatment among peer counselors"
- "Health protection and the system of public health in Poland".
- "Grant writing and writing project proposals"
- "Improving leadership skills"
- "Advocacy in HIV
Training materials were regularly uploaded to the group chat room and stored for long-term access for all participants.
After the trainings, joint pastime of the project participants - volunteers with elements of team building was organized.
Women who have children were given an opportunity to participate in the project Organization of leisure activities for children during trainings and networking. For working participants, all trainings were organized on weekends.
Development and implementation of Small Initiative Projects by project participants in 6 provinces (voivodships) and remotely across all of Poland (information and consultancy services)
- information campaigns on accessing health services for Ukrainian PLHIV KP in Poland, including interviews with LGBT, PLHIV, medical professionals for distribution on various online and offline media platforms
- Support groups and thematic educational events for people from all provinces
- Work with PWUD and people enrolled in substitution therapy
- Media coverage of the main project and small initiative projects on public platforms according to the developed Communications guidebook.
- Peer consulting and women’s empowerment.
Case study: Positive lunch in Warsaw, Poland. The first meeting unifying Ukrainian women living with HIV in Poland for psychotherapeutic support and empowerment to engage in women-led programmes.
- remotely across all of Poland (information and consultancy services)
Mentorship support
in the process of implementation of Small Initiative Projects by the participants - volunteers of the project by Polish NGOs: